Storytelling & Signal

This is how we’ve been experimenting within the Meaningful Measurement inquiry…

What is storytelling?

Storytelling is an evaluation methodology led by the Old Fire Station. Inspired by the Most Significant Change Technique (MSC), it involves collecting stories from people about their experience of a project, and then bringing people together to discuss the stories collected and what we can learn from them.


Partners across the county have tested using Storytelling in their work and reflected on what they’ve learned.


what is signal?

Signal is an online survey which aims to help understand household needs. The tool, which was developed with communities in Paraguay, is an asset-based approach to understanding need within local communities which enables the people being surveyed to have ownership of the data that is collected. 

The Signal pilot in Oxford set out to test Signal as a motivational tool for families, a way of building peer to peer support, and a methodology to build community mobilisation on jointly identified priorities.


Funders and commissioners 

In November 2022, we brought together funders and commissioners to share their experiences of measurement and discuss:

  • What do funders and commissioners struggle with when it comes to measurement and reporting?

  • What gets in the way of measuring in more meaningful ways?

  • What needs to shift?

  • What examples are there of people doing things differently?

  • What’s next?  

Learning across an organisation

We have been working with colleagues in departments across Oxford City Council to understand different approaches to measurement and look for ways of helping think about an organisation-wide approach to learning.

We have also been trying to improve our own practice by introducing different ways of learning and reflecting at all levels within the Old Fire Station itself.